What shape of beard to choose with your face?
The popularity of beards increased in the mid-19th century and then declined in the 1950s. In the last decade, it has become phenomenally popular. Perhaps you have tried the trend for yourself. Maybe you've gone for it on the principle of "I'll give it a go, it'll be easy!" when deciding on the length/style of your beard. Or maybe you took a more personal approach and sought out lots of advice on what type of beard would suit you best.
And that's probably where the trouble started. Because most of the men's beard style guides on the internet are not very qualitative, admittedly!
Il y a ceux qui mettent en évidence des catégories comme la « barbe d’entreprise » et la « barbe courte » en tant que styles de barbe distincts. . . mais quand vous les regardez, ils se ressemblent quasiment tous.
How to choose a beard style that suits you
After you have grown your beard sufficiently for a month, you can start thinking about beard styles.
In order for your beard to match you, you need to choose a style that will make you stand out, by taking into account the shape of your face as well as the orientation of your hair growth.
If you try to create a beard that is modelled on a celebrity but does not enhance your face, it will not make sense. You will need to make it work for you, not the other way around.
Criterion n°1 for choosing a beard style: thickness of facial hair
If your beard is thick, you have more styling options. If your facial hair grows thick, you'll have many choices about how to trim it. When you have a thick beard, you can choose a style that frames or tightly develops your face.
If your beard is uneven, keep your beard short. "If you try to grow a long beard, it will just look stringy and sloppy."
This does not mean that you cannot have facial hair. But men with uneven beards find it difficult to grow facial hair on their cheeks, so they will simply keep their cheeks clean-shaven, but let their beards grow along their chins. This is a fairly dated style and has been declining in popularity over the last decade or so.
If the only way to keep your beard trimmed is with a chin stubble, having a beard may not be for you.
Criterion n°2 for choosing a beard style: Take into account the shape of your face
After checking whether you have uneven or full facial hair, we recommend that you consider your face shape when choosing a beard style."
The goal is to make your face as oval as possible. By aiming for an oval shape, you increase the overall symmetry and proportionality of your face.
This means you need to consider how long your beard is under your chin and how wide it is from your face. "Some face shapes will look better with a beard that grows long under the chin, but is trimmed, so it doesn't grow wide. Or you might have a face shape [where the beard] would look shorter and closer to the chin, but a little wider to give your face width.
When choosing a beard style, you should also consider your hairstyle. "If you have a long rectangular face, having a haircut with height and a long beard will make your head look even longer, like Beaker from the Muppets. You probably don't want that kind of style!
As well as not maintaining it, one of the biggest mistakes when it comes to beards is not choosing the right style, which will largely be dictated by the shape of your face.